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Holy Flag

Video editor & Illustrator, Birthday song cover hosted by Kai.


Original Song: Holy Flag - CHiCO & Honeyworks


Vocals: Kai, Sora, Xing, Masu, Tsuki & Reina

Art: Ao, Veena, Hoshi & Giggles

Mix: Kai, Sencha, Xing & Yuuya

Best Friend

Video editor for this birthday song cover hosted by Veena.


Original Song: Best Friend - Lefty Hand Cream


Video direction & Vocals: Veena

Art: Migu

Mix: Saito

Dye Hard

SAE Major project, Narrative below.

Sen, is a small creature who has lived his entire life colourless without an explanation as to why. Having been secluded from civilization and overwhelmed by his curiosity he sets off on a quest for something, he does not know how to find - his colour.


Link to the video game below: 

Prickly Situation

Created for my class ANC 220. Narrative below.

A boy sent out to gather materials for a doctor, he must undergo a journey around the local desert plains in order to create a medicine for his bedridden father. 


Link to the video game below​

The Silent Teahouse

Created for my class MDU 115. Narrative below.

The manager of this tearoom had set up and was beginning to make two cups of sakura tea along with a snack to serve a customer in the evening. However an urgent problem from another room causes them to leave the meal sitting on the lone table.

The door left open, a wild cat had wandered in, playing with the dried blossoms left on the plate. Thus leaving a mess in its wake, before being startled by the rattling sliding door causing the animal to dash back into the garden.

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